Jual Saybolt Viscosimeter

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Jual Saybolt Viscosimeter Alat Viskositas untuk aspal

Spesifikasi :

For determining saybolt viscosity of petroleum products at specified temperature between 21.1 and 98.8 C.
Viscosimeter Stainless steel bath, motor stirer, 220 V-AC, Thermostat control panel, 2 tubes capacity 1 set
Viscosimeter Tube Brass, seamless, provided with tips and tip wrench 2 pcs
Tube Wrench T-wrench. 1 pc
Pipet Brass with rubber bulb. 1 pc
Thermometer Support Alumunium plate. 2 pcs
Flask 60 ml capacity. 2 pcs
Funnel Brass, 60 angle. 1 pc
Thermometer ASTM 17 C, 19 to 27 deg.C 2 pcs
Thermometer ASTM 18 C, 34 to 42 deg.C 2 pcs
Thermometer ASTM 19 C, 49 to 57 deg.C 2 pcs
Thermometer ASTM 20 C, 57 to 65 deg.C 2 pcs
Thermometer ASTM 21 C, 79 to 87 deg.C 2 pcs

Jual Alat Centrifuge Extractor

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Jual Alat Centrifuge Extractor / alat ekstraksi aspal

Spesifikasi :

ASTM D-2172 / AASHTO T-164
For determining bitument content in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample

Centrifuge Extractor Electric, 220 V-AC, variable speed DC motor up to 3600 rpm, alumunium housing, removable cover and bowl, 1500 gram capacity. 1 set
Filter Paper Low ash filter paper. 1 box

Jual Alat Softering Point Test

Jual Alat Softering Point Test / Alat Lab Aspal,alat uji titik lembek aspal, jual alat softenin point gas, jual ring and ball softening point

Jual Alat Softering Point Test / Alat Lab Aspal

Spesifikasi :

For determining softening point of asphalt and tar using the ring and ball method

Shouldered Ring Assembly Machined brass, height adjustment 1 set
Standard Ball Steel ball, 9.52 mm dia 2 pcs
Flash Support Mesh wire gauze variable height adjustment 1 set
Support Assembly Metal, provided with thermometer holder 1 set
Bunsen Burner Heat resources 1 pc
Asbestos Wire Gauze 15 cm x 15 cm. 1 pc
Beaker Glass 100 ml capacity. 1 pc
Thermometer ASTM 15 C, 2 to 80 deg.C 1 pc

Jual Alat Benkelman Beam

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Jual Alat Benkelman Beam  

Spesifikasi :
For measuring the deflection of flexible pavement under the action of moving wheel loads.
Fixed Beam Alumunium profile frame, 3 points adjuster, with vibrator and dial holder. Alumunium strip arm, 1: 2 lever ratio 1 set
Tire Gauge 120 psi capacity. 1 pc
Surface Thermometer Range 0 - 100 deg.C 1 pc
Dial Indicator Range 30 x 0.01 mm. 1 pc

Jual Alat Penetrasi Aspal Laboratory Penetration Test

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Jual Alat Penetrasi Aspal Laboratory Penetration Test

Spesifikasi :

For determining consistency of bituminous materials
Penetrometer Cast alumunium frame, 4 1/2" dial indicator, 400 x 0.1 mm dial, single knob control, weight of needle and plunger: 50 gr 1 set
Penetration Needle Steel needle with brass shank, 1 mm dia. 2 pcs
Transfer Dish Glass, 100 mm i.d approx. 1 pc
Thin Box, 55 mm i.d approx, alumunium sheet, seamless. 2 pcs

Jual Drying Oven - Di Jakarta

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Jual Drying Oven - Di Jakarta

Oven pengeringan adalah jenis konveksi suhu rendah atau oven udara paksa yang digunakan terutama dalam pengaturan laboratorium. Spesimen, alat, dan bahan kimia yang peka terhadap suhu ditempatkan di dalam oven pengering untuk secara perlahan dan merata menghilangkan kelembaban.

Spesifikasi :

14 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 320 x 240 x 175 mm 
32 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 400 x 320 x 250 mm 
39 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 480 x 320 x 250 mm 
53 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 400 x 400 x 330 mm 
108 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 560 x 480 x 400 mm 
256 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 800 x 640 x 500 mm
416 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 1040 x 800 x 500 mm 
749 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 1040 x 1200 x 600 mm

022 20671507

Jual Drying Oven - Di Bandung

jual drying oven di banda aceh, drying oven banda aceh,jual oven laboratorium di banda aceh, oven lab banda aceh, drying oven lokal

Jual Drying Oven - Di Bandung

Oven pengeringan adalah jenis konveksi suhu rendah atau oven udara paksa yang digunakan terutama dalam pengaturan laboratorium. Spesimen, alat, dan bahan kimia yang peka terhadap suhu ditempatkan di dalam oven pengering untuk secara perlahan dan merata menghilangkan kelembaban.

Spesifikasi :

14 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 320 x 240 x 175 mm 
32 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 400 x 320 x 250 mm 
39 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 480 x 320 x 250 mm 
53 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 400 x 400 x 330 mm 
108 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 560 x 480 x 400 mm 
256 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 800 x 640 x 500 mm
416 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 1040 x 800 x 500 mm 
749 ltr capacity, internal dimension (l x w x h) 1040 x 1200 x 600 mm

022 20671507